Crawl Space Encapsulation, Crawl Space Vapor Barrier, or Crawl Space Moisture Control

Crawl Space Encapsulation. Crawl Space Repair.

Crawl Space Moisture Control and Foundation Stabilization

Are you looking to protect or repair the crawlspace under your home? You need a crawl space pro to prevent moisture build up and / or level your home by repairing existing piers or by adding adjustable interior steel piers to stabilize the foundation. We understand that homeowners have many questions regarding their crawlspaces and that it’s not always easy to find answers to your questions. Our team provides you with the knowledge you need to confidently proceed with your plans or to make any necessary repairs to strengthen your home.

Crawl Space Pro is here to answer your questions and give you peace of mind. We offer free consultations and estimates on crawl space moisture remediation and stabilizing or leveling your home’s crawl space foundation. Every situation is unique, call us today and let one of our expert technicians find a solution to your home’s needs.

Water in Crawl Space and Other Crawlspace Issues

Having moisture or water in the crawl space is not good for your home or your health. It can provide the perfect place for mold and mildew to thrive. This will lead to the contamination of your home’s air quality and result in health problems for you and your family. Water can also cause floorboards and other wooden structures around your home to warp and rot, attract termites, and can contribute to an unstable structure.

As much as 50% of your home’s air will come from the crawlspace, so if you have moisture issues inside the crawl space, it will certainly affect the quality of air in your home. For instance, having a damp crawl space will make your home more susceptible to all kinds of infestations, where the poor quality of the air may lead to asthma or allergies.

Moisture is also the source of that musty, damp, and foul smell that can rise into the house and lower your home’s air quality. If you see that there are signs of excessive water or moisture within your crawl space, you need an assessment of your crawl space’s condition. Moreover, crawl spaces are also susceptible to other kinds of damage, such as:

  • Cracks in foundation
  • Bowing walls
  • Buckling floors

Crawl Space Encapsulation or Crawl Space Vapor Barrier

Crawl Space Encapsulation, Crawl Space Vapor Barrier, or Crawl Space Moisture Control – are used interchangeably to describe a process offering long-term solutions that help homeowners avoid moisture and mold issues developing underneath the house. The crawl space is sealed using a heavy-duty polyethylene — a strong and durable type of plastic. It covers every inch of your crawlspace, locking moisture out.  This helps to reduce moisture build-up while minimizing the risk of mold and providing better air quality. However, sometimes this process may also require the help of a dehumidifier along with a sump pump since the purpose of encapsulation is to reduce the amount of moisture inside the crawl space.

Crawl Space Dehumidifier

Crawl space dehumidifiers help to improve your home’s air quality by monitoring the moisture levels inside the house and bringing them to a good level. As a result, it can help to improve your family’s health, reduce allergies and respiratory problems, as well as lessen headaches and eye irritation caused by poor air quality. Furthermore, using a dehumidifier can help to protect your home against pests that breed in humid environments.

Crawl Space Repair

A Crawl Space Pro is needed to repair existing piers or to add additional piers to properly stabilize the structure.  Existing crawl space piers are made from multiple types of materials, including wood, cinder blocks or metal.

which may be made from wood may also help you stabilize existing piers or adding adjustable steel piers by fitting them and supporting them using treated wood or metal shims, also known as reshimming. We may also remove old wooden shims and have them replaced with metal shims that can help to relevel areas around your home.

Pier Repair

Existing homes may have been built with cinderblocks or wooden piers that are shimmed with wood that compresses over time due to the weight of the structure. This may be the reason for your uneven floors, bowing walls, sticking doors, or cracks in your sheetrock. Your existing piers may be stabilized by fitting them with treated wood or metal shims, also known as reshimming.

Adjustable Steel Piers

If you’ve noticed that areas around your crawl space are sagging or cracked, then our adjustable steel piers might just be what you need. Interior steel piers can be added to your current pier system, to stabilize the structure. This product comes with adjustable rebar and can help support your crawl space and stabilize your home.

Crawl Space Companies Near Me

If your house has a crawl space, it’s important to maintain it properly to protect your property’s value and your family’s health. For crawl space waterproofing, encapsulation, and repair services in Little Rock and Central Arkansas, hire a Crawl Space Pro.

Free consultation: 501-753-1009

What is a Crawlspace?

The crawlspace is an out-of-sight and out-of-mind part of your home, which makes it easy to just forget about it. You’ll usually notice them as a narrow area between the floor of your home and the ground. It will usually be unfinished and may have just enough room for you to crawl underneath your home, which is where the name comes from.

Around 15% of all homes will have a crawlspace, which will often serve as a point of access for plumbing, ventilation, and electrical outlets in your home. As mentioned, people will often forget about their crawlspace because they are hidden away or placed somewhere we wouldn’t look. However, there are many things we should know about our crawlspace, such as how to care for our crawlspace.